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수강생 : 3명

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  • 3명의 수강생
강의 구매

무엇을 배울까요?

이 코스의 커리큘럼
0 수업 / 00:00:00 시간
  • 조용한 나만의 공간, Writer, 필기도구, 헤드폰, PC
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In Unit 23, students will spend time working on the concepts of before and after and opposites like crooked/straight, easy.hard, strong/weak, and empty/full. Students will begin to relate the words together as in "the opposite of hot is cold." 

The Writer gives your child an opportunity to develop their English writing skills. The writing activities are closely linked to each chapter of the Adventure Reader. Remember, the benefit of writing is that it not only helps develop the skill of writing, but it also helps further develop speaking and reading skills.

New Words: alarm clock, apron, basement, blink, bookstore, chop, cupboard, direction, dream, excited, flour, frown, berry, berries, clean, messy, narrow, wide, honk, lift, permission, plum, pudding, squirrel, stay, leave, sticky, stir, tunnel, underground

New Phrases: 

I hope that's ok.

It's time for _____.

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관련 기타 코스
  • 29 학생
  • 16 교육과정
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I am experienced English teacher who loves children.